22- Experience through the “Union pour la Protection de l’Enfance au Liban” – UPEL

Experiences of: Mrs Mireille Khadige

Last update: 15 May 2024


Reference of Social Work In The Face of Crises and Disasters Booklets – Part Two

Researcher – Hiam Samaha Kahi
Research Assistant – Aimee Ghanem

The “juvenile delinquents” sector did not survive the horrors of war; hence the “Warwar Observation Centre” was closed, as well as the “Rehabilitation Institute in Yarze” and the “Gemmayzeh home in Beirut”, which was welcoming the juveniles as soon as they leave the rehabilitation institute in order to prepare and re-engage them in society.

Everyone at “Al-Fanar Centre” retreated with a few staff members left. Mrs. Mireille Khadige, who accompanied juvenile delinquents during the 45 years of her professional life, did not despair. She had never given up her perseverance to work with and for juveniles, despite the difficulties, obstacles, lack of resources and weak human potential in addition to the deteriorating security conditions. She said: “The challenges were numerous; however, despite the difficulties, our small number and our modest potential, we managed to maintain the quality of our work…”. She continued: “Perhaps the best reward waswhen one of the young men leaving the centre told me: I shall come back to visit you; if I have had met you during my childhood, I would not have been exposed to what I had been subject to and would not have slipped into works like the ones I did. You were my savior.” Mrs. Khadige embodied commitment and sacrifice in a cause she believed in, and she worked for it silently, modestly and steadily.